Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Figuring It Out

It is hard to believe that in two short weeks this little ol' blog of mine will have been around for an entire year. It started out as a something else entirely and morphed into a place where I met great people, shared bits and pieces of my life,  and most of all as a place where I could slowly try and define my design style.

When I began this journey I told myself I would do it for 1 year and now that the deadline is slowly approaching I am not sure that I am ready to give it up. 

Confession time: I often feel like a terrible blogger. I do not post as much as I would like and it bothers me, honestly. There are days when I have thousands of ideas and just not enough time and then there are the other days where I  have all the time in the world and nothing seems to be working how I envisioned it. I don't want to post something that I don't love, and being a perfectionist often gets in my way more than it should. Also I am terrible about writing ideas down, Z keeps telling me that's why people have sketchbooks to keep track of those type of things for the days where staring blankly into space is about as creative as it gets, but that is a whole other issue entirely.  You my friends have stuck around through all this and I greatly appreciate it. I look forward to the process, to sharing ideas and getting feedback, and as an extremely private person it has been nice to open up and share my happy little family with you all. If I were to stop now I would miss it dearly.

So that's where I am - still trying to figure it out. 

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