Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Very Merry Merry

Hello friends!!! I just wanted to wish you all a very Happy Christmas. It is so hard to believe that another year is wrapping up. I spent a majority of my day getting my behind kicked by Just Dance 2 (although I do think that those couple years of high school cheerleading came in handy on a couple moves) and putting myself in a semi food coma.

Image via

Monday, December 20, 2010

Take it Mariah

OK all I am finally starting to get into the swing of things around here thanks to Ms. Mariah Carey, HOORAY!!!

This is my all time favorite holiday song, well this and Alvin and the Chipmunks of course, hehehe.

Branding *Santa*

There is not really much to say about this take on *Santa* as a brand, developed by the Quietroom other than it is pretty brilliant!! I found it especially entertaining as we are currently in a rebranding process at my 9-5, and as a design student (yes I am currently a student after many many years off, I had to grow up before I figured out what I wanted to do, always backwards) branding as a whole is constantly being drilled into my brain.

These are just a few of my favorites...

I highly suggest that you check out the entire pdf here. Ho Ho Ho!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

MIA: Holiday Spirit.

I am beyond thrilled to be wrapping up this past week because let me just tell you all it was a doozy. I find myself simply not in the spirit of the season, which is sort of bumming me out. I usually am all ready to go this time of year and enjoy the baking, decorating and wrapping of gifts, but for some reason last week took me right out of the Christmas spirit. OK to be fair it wasn't the entire week that did me in, it was Friday that I am holding solely responsible for my Bah Humbugness. (That's a word right?)

In one day I got some personal news that I didn't plan on, my husband's car decided to break down and apparently some lovely stranger thought that it would be nice to steal our ATM info and help themselves to some of our money, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

I do realize that things could be worse, trust me I know, but we always seem to be the type of people that when it rains it pours and the fact that all this went down in one day = not so fun. But I am slowly pulling myself out of my funk that made me want to hide in bed all weekend with some bad 80's movies (Money Pit, anyone). We are lucky enough to have a great bank who has assured me we will be getting a refund sometime this week of the money that was stolen, a greater mechanic who is honest and great at what he does and will hopefully tell us some good news tomorrow like it will not cost more than what the car is worth to fix it, and wonderful friends who have truly become our extended family.

So it will be my goal this week to pick myself up by the bootstraps and slap a smile on my face. I will do my best to have a Griswold Q Family Christmas. I am also going to make myself buckle down and spend some more time on the ole blog as I feel it has become a bit humdrum around these parts. I truly appreciate those of you who have continued to stop by and say hello and I promise things will pick up around here once again. And a super big Thanks for playing the part of my therapist and reading this rambling post.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Diary and A Dress.

The Diary: F. Scott Fitzgerald The Beautiful and Damned
The Dress: Milly Liana Metallic Lace Shift Dress

A perfect pairing for the holiday season, wouldn't you agree? I am not sure which one of these two I think is more lovely, so either one will do.

Friday, December 10, 2010

It's the Weekend (Almost)!!

It's Friday, can I get a "HECK YEA"!?! I thought we should kick off the weekend with a little Anna Karina greatness. So get up and dance off those stresses that have been building up this week and let's all sing some Roller Girl and be euro fab.

And just in case you are feeling super inspired and want to get Ms. Karina's look:

You're gonna need:
1.) Some choice mascara and eyeliner from Dior. I LOVE THESE!!
2.) Some striped socks.
3.) A great pair of round frames.
4.) A button down oxford.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Color of 2011: Honeysuckle

I was so excited to check my inbox this morning and see that Pantone released their pick for color of the year!! (Not sure which part of that sentence makes me more geeky.) They are calling it Honeysuckle and I think it is oh so pretty!!

Pantone takes most of the guesswork out of how to incorporate the color into fashion, interior and design by giving some great insight including the correct color formula and colors that will complement this bright hue. The fashion illustrations that were included also caught my eye, this Badgley Mischka one in particular. I could just see myself lounging around the house watching Glee and sipping on a Diet Coke all the while looking fab in my designer gown, ok maybe not but a girl can daydream right?

So lovely readers what do you think of this color pick, will you be adding it to your life in 2011?

Fashion illustration by Badgley Mischka via Pantone