Tuesday, December 20, 2011


So if you have been wondering where I have been I have been in serious "move your butt because Christmas is right around the corner, and don't forget about those finals, and oh yeah we have to head to Vegas for Punky's cheer competiton, but don't forget you have to head into the office today" mode. 

So yes friends it has been a bit hectic in the Q household, but now I am giving myself a time out and heading into hibernation mode. I need to take some time to get inspired, eat cookies and catch up with all my blog reading. 

Have an AMAZING holiday and I will see you all next week!!!!! 

Friday, December 9, 2011

Just What I've Been Waiting For

I am pretty thrilled to have this week over with, it was one of those weeks that was a disaster from the moment I woke up on Monday morning. But the weekend is here and we are headed up to Disneyland on Sunday for a little family fun. I haven't been there in probably 5 years even though it is so close, I have to say I am pretty excited!!

Hope you all have a wonderful couple of days and we will meet again next week.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Two Steppin'

Sometimes you have to find a good way to let loose during the day and release some stress. I use to be the type of person who would say I would relax later - you know once the weekend comes, or when this project is done, or as soon as this final is over. The problem is like most people another project usually follows, there are errands to run on the weekends, and after the semester you have to deal with the things that you have been putting off at home. So I made a promise that I would find a way to unwind for at least a few minutes everyday, a mini mental health break. 

Enter my new afternoon ritual...

When Punky and I get home in the afternoon before we do anything we pick a song, turn up the volume, and sing and dance our little hearts out. I will be honest and say most days it is a Selena Gomez song, but I look forward to this part of my day and it is pretty incredible how afterwards I feel ready to tackle what the afternoon may hold.

So what about you guys, what are some fun ways that you handle stress?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Note To Myself

Feeling slightly overwhelmed this week and it's only Tuesday.

I always feel pulled in a thousand different directions and I really am getting better at handling it. I just have to tell myself that things always have a way of working out exactly like they are suppose to, although sometimes it is hard to remember that.

image sources 1/2

Monday, December 5, 2011

All She Wants For Christmas

I am happy to report that I got a few things crossed of my shopping list this weekend, I am a heavy online shopper so that makes it a bit easier. I did head out to the mall and nearly had a panic attack from all the noise, traffic and blaring music in the stores - are there people who enjoy the frenzied holiday shopping, and if so what am I missing?

As you may have guessed the MOST important person on my list is Punky and I thought I would share with you what is on the wish list of a very free-spirited 10 year old. Enjoy!!


Most of these things I wouldn't mind for myself, truth be told. And why wasn't there a Bubble Writing Guide book when I was 10?!?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Morning Mouse

I would very much like to have these sparkly Marc Jacobs flats to go along with my bowl of Fruit Loops, please. 

image source

Monday, November 28, 2011

Blue Sky Hello

Hello all you wonderful people!! Did you have a wonderful turkey day? 

I unplugged last week and spent the week holed up with Z and Punky - it was pretty quiet and uneventful - my idea of perfection. It is important with as much as we are connected these days to take a moment and allow yourself to enjoy the sun shine, blue sky, and family.

Did I get done all I planned and hoped to - no, but it's ok because I was able to catch up on a few things and I am not going to dwell on what I didn't do. I am feeling quite energized and with the semester end a mere two weeks away I hope this feeling lasts. 

photo by Angela

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

She's Got Legs

The good news is I finished my paper, the bad news is I am still about 50 steps behind were I need to be. However I decided I am going to become I shut in next week and get down to business - yep that's my story and I am sticking to it.

As I was gathering examples for my Paul Rand project I came across these pieces that he did and well that's just great design there. 

If you are interested in learning more about this brilliant man check out his website, it pretty incredible!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Plans

How was your weekend? Mine was pretty low key spent most of it trying to shake this cold that is trying its hardest to be my new best friend. I should have been working on my paper that is due tomorrow, but that is what I have today for, right? It should be pretty easy considering it is about one of my favorite designers, Paul Rand. That quote pretty much sums up design to me and well that living room is nice to look at.

Wish me luck.

image source 1/2

Friday, November 11, 2011

Oh Marie!

The weather is suppose to be rainy this weekend which gives me a perfect excuse to curl up on the couch and watch one of my favorite movies - Marie Antoinette. There is something about rainy days that make it ok in my mind to stay in sweats and on the couch all day - guilt free!!

What are you all up to this weekend? 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Morning Sky

Pretty sweet gradient in the sky this morning during my walk.

photo by angela

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Looking Back

Sometimes you have to take a look back to find some style inspiration. I have always loved the stacked jewelry look, I owe that to growing up in the 80's and 90's where we stacked everything including socks. I fondly remember meticulously matching every color of sock that I had in my Jordan Knight NKOTB t-shirt and then happily putting on all 5 pairs of them and then squeezing into my LA Gears which had at least two pairs of laces, please don't judge me. 

Anyway I never noticed Princess Diana is wearing two watches in this image. It pretty much made my day and I am positive I will be trying this look out real soon.

Are you into the stacked look too?

Monday, November 7, 2011

In The Mail

I am terrible about mailing things out, I actually have a pile of stuff to mail that I have passed on my way put the door for the past week. I am going to get it out thus week though - honest!!

I think these cute stamps illustrated by Lotta Nieminen would be a fun addition to any postage, they remind me of vintage matchbooks.

image source

Friday, November 4, 2011

Sweet Dreams

My bedroom is not a room that I love. Other than the fact that it is a size of a shoe box, and I mean that literally. It just doesn't get much love. I wish it looked a little like this...

That headboard HAS to be mine because well (a) that color is making me all giddy and (b) doesn't it look like a perfect place to rest against while reading? I am also pretty keen on the bedding and I'm not even a bed maker.

So I will be dreaming of how I wish this was my bedroom this weekend and also wishing I had somewhere to wear these cute Kate Spade gloves. Then I could justify buying them and then using them to quote myself.

image sources 1/2

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Here Goes Nothing

So I have been going back and forth on sharing my class projects here for a couple reasons. 1.) I am painfully shy and pretty sensitive most of the time and 2.) I am still learning and so I know it is all a work in progress. I also know that being a designer/ creative person is about putting yourself out there - how else will anyone ever find you and how will you grow?

Our latest project will take three weeks and incorporate many different areas that as a class we will have to vote on until we have an identity built for a concept that we developed last week. We are designing for a fictional business called The Art Shack. The idea behind this place is that it would be a place where artists from different mediums could gather and rent studio space, get work printed and generally meet other people. It would have a cafe, supply store and courtyard (among other things) - pretty awesome right?

The first stop was to develop a logo that each student had to present to the class on Tuesday and we would vote on the official logo for the business. And well my logo was voted in!! The funny thing is I see things that I would like to change to make it better, but I am always pretty critical with my own work. I snapped this pic of it yesterday to share with you all. My idea was that the logo should be clean, simple, appeal to a variety of creative types, and be easily reproduced on printed materials, packaging, etc. So taa-daa...

I Have An Odd Sense Of Humor

I picked up this little gem a while back at a swap meet and it makes me chuckle every time I see it...

Do you think someone ever received one of these? 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Lover

I happened across a new graphic design journal yesterday called September Industry and spent more time than I should of taking in their collection of gorgeous design content gathered from all over the world. It is all amazing and I fell in love with so many of the pieces they featured it is silly. 

These theater pieces, designed by New Zealand designer Brogen Averill is one of the pieces that struck me. Yep - sort of in awe by them.

Monday, October 31, 2011


This Week

I need to work on loosening up a bit - or so I have been told. I am going to try and not be SO uptight this week. I can't make any promises, but I am going to try. Sometimes it is hard for people to believe that I am someone who would run off at 18 and elope in Vegas. I need to reconnect with that spontaneous girl, just a tiny little bit - let's not get too crazy!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

It's Feeling A Little Like

There is finally a little bit of a chill here in Sunny Southern California. I had to break out my sweater yesterday and I even kept it on all day - although I still could wear flip flops no problem. 

Fall is my favorite season - boots, sweaters, hot cider, and wool socks. It is one of the things I miss about Colorado and even though we have been in California for 14 years now I still look forward to that crisp smell of the air as the seasons begin to change. I don't see those seasons change much around here (and I am not complaining) but Fall will always have a spot in my heart and I can admire you from afar.

Happy Friday Friends!!

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Did You Hear?

We FINALLY have some pillows on our couch. Only two for now but I think we have a nice direction - black and white graphic prints and bright solid colors. We purchased one and made the other and well Alfie ( our frenchie) enjoys them just fine.

I also just realized this may be the first time I have shared a peek at our humble abode.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I really love this Polish book cover design. I have days like that, well almost every day, that I will come across something that catches my eye and make me happy for no apparent reason. I usually stash them over on my Pinterest page. Feel free to stop by and have a gander maybe you will find something that makes you smile too!!

Packaging Goodness

Aren't these bright goodies from Mary and Matt great? They were designed last spring to be sold in Paris, but even full into fall I am drawn to the bright colors and handmade feel of these.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Getting In The Spirit

Yesterday we finally had a chance to head up to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art to check out the Tim Burton exhibit that has been going on since the spring and will end next weekend - nothing like waiting till the last minute.

It was well worth the trip!! I love getting a peek into the process of creative people, how their minds work, and how they develop ideas. No photographs were allowed in the exhibit itself, but they did let you snap one as you entered, hence the photo above. It was a great collection that spanned his entire career from his very early work, to sketchbook doodles, to notes regarding his work on Beetlejuice and Charlie and the Chocolate factory to name a few. 

We also made it a point to visit the California Design 1930 - 1965 exhibit. I snapped quite a few pictures to capture the layouts of the printed materials from this era that I am always drawn to, as well as some of the great fashion pieces they had on hand. 

All in all a perfect Sunday if I do say so myself.

P.S.: I am considering purchasing a domain name that I like in case I ever get the nerve to start doing design work on my own (eek).  

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

All In A Days Work

Have you ever noticed that when you work on multiple projects they all seem to be due at the same time?
I have 2 exams and 1 design project due for school tomorrow, 3 seems to be my lucky number lately. I am scanning in some of my sketchbook notes to share with you all - they are not drawings but I am putting something down on paper, it still counts in my opinion.

Back to the books!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Because Sometimes

A simple image and a pretty color can point you in a new direction.

Original image shot by Albert Giordan combined with a bright purple that I like today.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Our living room is coming together and it has only taken me four years of going round and round trying to find what I feel is a perfect. We are finally moving in the right direction and so I am slowly putting things together and making little purchases here and there. I hate spending money and truth be told I am not sure when that happened. I use to be a spender, money would come in and it would go right back out, but now I think about every purchase. I try and get things on sale and if we do splurge it is something that we save for. Some may call me cheap but I prefer thrifty.

Anywho I was looking at rugs and I came across these pretty things on Loom. They are over dyed vintage  rugs and they probably cost way too much for this girl to afford but I like the look and feel of it so I will add them to my inspiration board and keep dreaming. The color of the second one is a pretty close match to the upholstery we are using for the chairs Z is recovering, oh and I finally purchased this Crate and Barrel pillow (on sale). 

Progress people, progress. 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday Five

My favorite color typically changes weekly, sometimes daily, at the moment I am digging these shades of red. Just a small collection of images that I think capture this color in all its glory.

Have a fab weekend friends!!

image sources: 1/2/3/4/5

Thursday, October 6, 2011

We Will Miss You Steve Jobs.

Thank you for being a great source of inspiration in more ways than one - you will be missed.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dear Blog

My dear blog I have missed you so, but I am wrapping up some projects and plan on spending some quality time with you very soon!!! Please be patient with me as I think of you daily.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

2 Nice Layouts

On of my current school projects is to design a magazine cover, our topic is gaming which I am less than thrilled about mainly because I am not very familiar with that topic. I did a little bit of searching for layouts I like to gain some inspiration and these two struck my fancy. Not exactly the right topic but they sure are providing me with some inspiration and that's what it is all about.

image source: 1/2

Monday, September 26, 2011

Time Out

Last week I decided to unplug a bit. Sometimes you need to do that for your own sanity- especially when you sit in front a computer most hours of the day.

I was feeling a bit uninspired and overwhelmed trying to spin multiple plates at the same time so I refocused, reorganized and gave myself some time to renergize. Lots of "re's" going on there.

I no longer feel like this - and that is a good thing!!

                             Source: flickr.com via Angela on Pinterest

Friday, September 16, 2011

Head First

I am so glad that this week is finally over, I don't know about you all but it seemed to drag on and on and on. I am planning on tackling a couple items on my to do list, but they are all fun projects so it shouldn't be too bad. 

Isn't the above image fun, I came across it while procrastinating on Pinterest the other day and I think it summed up my feelings for this week pretty well. Have a wonderful weekend and see you back here next week!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Facing A Fear

I am fairly certain that I am suffering from Blank Page Syndrome. I like, no scratch that, LOVE to buy sketchbooks. I think that having a place to keep track of your ideas is brilliant and Z is always telling me that I need to get my design ideas down on paper and I agree. So I go out and pick up a book that I think will be perfect. A big one so I can fill it with all those tear sheets I take from magazines, a small one cause if I could keep it in my bag that would be better, and well you get the idea. And then I FREEZE.

I can't get past that first page. I want it to be perfect and pretty and something that I can flip past and feel a bit inspired. So I stare at it for a few weeks - unsure of what I should fill the page with and then I put it away with the other empty sketchbooks that sit in a drawer - my secret shame. I do have quite a collection don't I?!?

Well I need to get over this quick because for one of my classes this semester we need to keep a graphic journal - 100 pages filled by the end of the semester with whatever we want. So I have spent the past few weeks watching everyone in class as they slowly fill up their books with perfect doodles, rough drawings that look amazing to this non-drawer, and handwritten notes about what they like about a logo. It all looks intimidating to me and I feel a small sense of dread mixed with panic as I look down in my bag and there sits my empty book waiting - begging for attention. 

Well this week I am going to put something down and I am going to try and be OK with the idea that it won't be perfect. Wish me luck friends.

Do any of you all have strange hurdles like this - please let me know that I am not the only one!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Who's In Your Circle

I think this Circles of Influence print illustrated by Wendy MacNaughton is pretty nifty!! It has everyone from Sylvia Plath, to Woody Allen, to Gandhi - take a close look and I bet you will find a few names that you would probably include in your own circle. It also makes you think about who are the people that have influenced you whether it be creatively, spiritually, or intellectually. 

You can pick up your own copy of it here.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Bought, Read, & Watched.

I am happy to say after a heavy duty round of antibiotics I am finally back to feeling almost human again. Being sick, having a heatwave and the power outage that San Diego experienced had left me feeling  - well BLAH!! But this weekend I woke up with some energy, our perfect weather was back and I was pretty tired of laying on the couch being a grumpy mess.

I had to get out and well I found a couple of fun purchases...

Is there anything better than office supplies?!?! I have been enamored with them since I was a little girl and I always find an excuse to buy them even now. My new glitter composition book, gigantic eraser, and Micron pens will all be getting put to good use - I just know it!

I also started reading...

I was first grabbed by the cover design to be honest, I am only in the first chapter, but so far I love it. The idea of trying to define my personal style seems like a project I would like to accomplish. I have been feeling in a bit of a rut lately to be honest - do you ever get in those moods where you hate your hair, your clothes all start looking the same, and your closet is a sad mess - well that's where I am at. Hopefully this book will shake things up a bit, I will have to keep you posted.

I also decided to start a Hitchcock movie fest. One classic film a weekend (I love horror/thriller movies) until I get through them all. First up...

The Birds. It was a perfect blend of creepy and suspenseful, plus Tippi Hedren had an amazing wardrobe.

That was my weekend in a nutshell - what where you all up to?

Movie still source, all other photos by me.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pink Trees

Apparently my tradition of getting sick at the end of summer has decided to continue, ugh. I have been battling a nasty chest cold the past week or so and it seems to have hit the entire Q household, doesn't get more fun than that right? The funny thing is we are in the midst of trying to revamp our eating habits and incorporating more whole foods and less packaged foods, silly me thought this would boost my immune system, or maybe I have sent my system into such a state of shock this is its way of rebelling.

I am trying to step away from the computer a bit and find sources of inspiration elsewhere these days, like those trees. They are my favorite things in the world and they are in full bloom at every turn. That shade of pink combined with the green, how could you not smile and feel inspired?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

This & That

Two random things I am liking together this morning, this image of Kim Novak in Vertigo and that illustration of rocks  by Amber Ibarreche that I flipped upside down.

image sources 1/2

Monday, August 29, 2011

And It Went A Little Like This

My weekend was sadly not spent being fancy like I had hoped, but it was productive - so still a win in my book.

It went like this...

I am taking an illustration class this semester, which may sound like a blast, but drawing is really hard for me and I have a hard time being able to turn off my brain and just sort of let go (I told you I have some perfectionist issues). I am hoping to conquer that this semester and learn to enjoy the process of drawing rather then be so critical of myself. I have been looking at lots of different illustrators lately, so I am sure I will end up sharing my favs as I navigate through this course.  I ended up being OK with my dog ear (if you were wondering what it was that you are looking at) the rest of the dog well he could use a bit more work.

I also got to draw letters, which was very fun. Give me a ruler and a grid any day, it makes me happy. The assignment was to draw 100 thumbnails of the letter of our last name. By the 75th Q, ideas were short, but it was a good way to push yourself creatively.

And of course we had to get all packed up for 5th grade. Out with the chipped blue glitter nail polish - in with the very strict school dress code.

So was your weekend fancy, productive, or both?

Friday, August 26, 2011

That's A Wrap

This is officially the last weekend of summer in the Q household.

Punky will be saying hello to 5th grade on Monday and my semester is filling up quickly with projects. Did I mention I am only a week in? We have had an amazing summer and I enjoyed the time I spent with my girl. The decision to take the summer off seems to be just what I needed to keep myself motivated. 

I think I would like to spend my final weekend of summer being all fancy perched on that big floating swan, how about you?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Go Amelia

Did you know that on August 25, 1932 Amelia Earhart landed the first solo transcontinental flight made by a woman? She departed Los Angeles, CA on August 24th and landed in a record breaking 19 hours later in Newark, NJ. How is that for some girl power? 

Just a fun fact to share with you.